水上樂園 | 澳洲 Waterland | Australia

2015,Fremantle Arts Centre,澳洲



Ric Spencer:「它讓我感受到那漂浮、流瀉,及記憶被形成, 持有與遺忘的世界。當你聆聽時,聲音和水之間細膩而強烈的內裡關聯,就宛如時間沖刷過你般的真實。雁婷從她的創作途徑到實踐也是流動的——能夠在一個環境中找到自己的位置去創作。她的作品具反思性,但同時也深入於研究文獻紀錄中;將自己沈浸於地方的可能性與空間意識的動能,雁婷透過聲音蒐集繪製一地,透過空間的編輯來發掘一地。」(Ric Spencer,藝術家、作家,現為Fremantle藝術中心策展人。)

Waterland explored our connection to the ocean, reflecting upon the relationship between humans and their environment. Asialink Artist in Residence Yenting Hsu (Taiwan) brought the sand and sounds of the beach to FAC, inviting participants to build sandcastles in the gallery from 4–10 May while a multi-channel sound installation incorporating sounds of the Indian Ocean played.

Also on display were the sound installations Timeless Rain featuring recordings of Typhoon Morakot, the deadliest typhoon to hit Taiwan in recorded history, and an investigation into how food is produced in the Cheng Long Wetlands, Taiwan in Sounds Delicious.