When a piece of patterned glass, approximately the size of a 12-inch vinyl record, is placed on a turntable, what arises from the textures of the glass patterns are sounds of varying frequencies and modulations: electronic beats, heartbeats, bursts of noise, and murmurs. By listening carefully, even melodies unfolding in the background can be heard. Each piece of glass is like a planet, twinkling within the space of unique rhythms and sounds. Using the visual, tactile and auditory features of traditional patterned glass, as well as the glassmaking process, this album hopes to trigger a sense of wonder and imagination in the listener. Listening to the refinement and modulation found within different patterns, we search for the sparkle arising from the impact of glass planets and the universe created between listeners and sound.
曲目 Tracks
海棠花 Begonia flowers
The Begonia flowers pattern is perhaps one of the most popular window grill designs in Taiwan. Among these time-worn patterns are stored the memories of generations of families. In “Begonia flowers,” the music emitted from the etched glass arrives as a low-pitched modulation, much like the sound of waves. From this foundation, spikes of laughter, commotion, and the hubbub of daily life emerge. This is a piece rooted in our collective memory.
(Glass Pattern: Begonia Flowers)
行星 Planet
The first time hearing etched glass on a vinyl turntable, what came to mind was the sound of the universe and star dust. Each piece of glass can be seen as a planet. With differing sounds and personalities, they orbit along a set track—some repeating a rhythm which each rotation, others gradually changing across rotations. “Planet” is best described as gathering up the pieces of stars from an exploding universe and assembling them in a new universe.
(Glass Patterns: Handblown Transparent Ripples, Peony Flowers, Cross Patterns, Handblown Frosted White)
透明 Transparent
To the eye, ear, and touch, glass has a lucid and clear texture; placed on a turntable, however, the sounds that emerge are thick and heavy in the eardrum. Among the sometimes crisp, sometimes maniac sounds of glass, the imagination gives rise to a sense of natural features such as the wind, snow, or sea.
(Glass Patterns: Handblown Transparent Ripples, Begonia Flowers, Mouth-blown Black
光的記藝 Craftmanship
回應選擇古玻璃和鑲嵌玻璃工藝為本的真真,收錄工藝製程之聲響:切割、打磨、焊接等,融入玻璃的聲音,為雙手的溫度留下記憶。 (玻璃紋路:閃鑽花、吹製透明波紋、吹製白色)
Working in partnership with the zhēnzhēn Stained Glass Lab, the sound of glass being made—i.e. the cutting, grinding, and welding—joins with the sound of glass itself. “Craftmanship” is a celebration of the process, intensity, and love of the glass-making process.
(Glass Patterns: Diamond Flowers, Handblown Transparent Ripples, Handblown White)