See You: Blacksmith Project is nominated for Taishin Art Award 2024.

新專輯【須臾】由英國廠牌Ash International於bandcamp上發行
New album ‘Flash’ has been released on bandcamp by Ash International.
The album can be found on streaming music platform as well.
APPLE MUSIC / Spotify / KKBOX / Amazon Musicetc.
Search: Yenting Hsu / Flash

【遠方的呢喃】臺灣 X 巴西藝術交流計畫 2022/8/19~2022/9/02 展出
The Whisper Beneath – Taiwan x Brazil Art Exchange Program
Aug 19 – Sep 2, 2022
■地點 Venue| 寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village

Relight+MUSIC got the Silver Prize of Toyama International Glass Exhibition.
線上看展請見這裡 Check out the exhibition online here.

My latest album Relight+MUSIC released in 2020 can be listened on online music streaming platforms now
Searching: 光音 / 許雁婷 Relight+MUSIC / Yenting Hsu
APPLE MUSIC / Spotify / KKBOX / bandcamp / Amazon Music…
Check it out!

Chiayi Sound Project (2008-2009) is now exhibited at Chiayi Art Museum.
展覽資訊及下載導覽手冊 Exhibition info please check their website.

Chiayi Sound Project, collaborating with Yannick Dauby. 2008-2009, trees music&art.

Site-specific sound installation ‘Roaming Through’ is exhibiting now at Taitung Art Museum

《CONNECT 照映》the collaborative work with Sally Richardson
Inner Space – 2019 TAV Art Project
「按了兩次的空白鍵」-2019 藝術採集計畫
Venue地點:台北國際藝術村 Taipei Artist Village
More detail更多內容:https://www.facebook.com/events/459166028147488/