態—實驗中 TAI – work in progress


從中國四川重慶即將被拆除的一個尋常茶館「交通茶館」出發,思考日常中的 消逝。我們常是在知道某一/事/物/地即將消逝的時候,特別注意其存在。存在 的時候,如果沒有看見、沒有去感覺,那和不存在可謂無異。反而是在消逝之 前,注意到,甚至去爭取,他才變成實實在在的存在。那麼,存在跟消逝,何 者為實?何者為虛?存在可能從來都沒有在我們的感知中存在,消逝的也可能 以另一種形式存在,如物理學中的能量守恆定律:能量是可以以不同形式互換 的。「態」是時態、形態、動能、能量與心。 

我們用風創造環境,在這個空間之中,持續流動的是空氣,還有時間。我們試 圖透過相同的能量驅動空間裡的物件和聲音,或位移,或扭曲,或變形,或擴 大,或產生相互關係,讓日常場景形成一些可被察覺的改變。空間裡的能量是 不是能一直持續運作?消逝的是不是也可以其他形式留下?但再一次,這個存 在你不一定會發現。

This work is inspired by Hsu Yen-ting’s experience of a short residency in Chong-Ching, a city in China. Like many rapidly developing cities, Chong-Ching especially has most rebuilding buildings in the world, because Chinese government urges to upgrade this city as ‘the first grade city’ such as Shanghai or Beijing. Local people are almost unable to find a trace of their childhood. It’s not only about rise and fall of a city or cities, but in this modern society, especially with the internet world, from outer to inner world, hardware to software, everything could change extremely fast. 

And interestingly, in many cases, we hardly notice things always exist in our daily lives, whatever people, events or objects…ect. We tend to ignore what is always there until it’s disappearing. We start to notice it, we want it back, we miss it. When people in Chong-Ching know that some old places are going to be demolished, they start to get nervous and want to preserve them. It happens in Taiwan and everywhere too. Not only cities, but also in many other cases of our lives. So, what is the existence? What is the disappearance? Which one is real or void? Sometimes the disappearance is more real than the existence, and very often, we don’t have any power or chance to change facts, but since we start to notice those facts, we can believe the energy is still running somewhere. It’s also proved in physics. 

In collaboration with Kappa Tseng, based on law of conservation of energy, we experimented on sharing energy with fans, objects, and sounds. All the energy from various objects and sounds could affect each others in different ways. The content of sounds was from those objects, fans, electronic sounds and some disappearing sounds of Taiwan, ranging from traditional cultures to animals.